GT Java XACML Support

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Date: 11/19/2007

The specification schema is used as it is. The class generated by Axis has been modified some and the AttributeValue element is serialized in a utility. This is taken care of by the library and should be transparent to applications. The instance document has been validated against the schema.

Updated jars, wsrf-1119.tar.gz and xacmlUtilSrc-1119.tar.gz.


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Date: 08/30/2007

The specification schemas used in the Globus distribution were altered to accomodate tooling requirements. The changes made are documented in Schema Changes. All the changes other than one (noted in the document) have been fixed and an updated distribution that uses the fixed schemas has been provided: wsrf-0830.tar.gz

The outstanding schema change will be addressed as part of the beta release.

Date: 08/16/2007

Source code tar provided wsrf0802.tar.gz was from a trunk checkout. Generated correct tar.gz from branch checkout wsrf0816.tar.gz.

Document remains the same.

Date: 08/02/2007

Date: 08/01/2007

Date: 04/23/2007