ATTENTION! You want to go to here:

HPSS DSI for GridFTP: globus_gridftp_server_hpss-0.3.tar.gz

This is a standard Globus package that will build 3 GridFTP server DSI modules 
for HPSS 6.2.  

hpss_control is the frontend DSI for a single or multistripe GridFTP configuration.
hpss_data is the backend(s) DSI for a single or multistripe GridFTP configuration.
Both frontend and backend GridFTP processes are required for striped operation.
This is the preferred configuration.

hpss_local provides HPSS access via a single GridFTP process.  This gives 
poor performance compared to frontend/backend striped configuration, but is
acceptable for light use. 

This package requires a working GridFTP server, from at least version 4.0.1 of
the toolkit.  A threaded build of the server is required. To build a threaded 
gridftp server, run 'make globus_gridftp_server-thr' from the source installer.

From this package:
gpt-build [CONFIGOPTS_GPTMACRO="[options]"] \
    globus_gridftp_server_hpss-x.x.tar.gz gcc32dbgpthr

From a CVS checkout, from this dir, run:
gpt-build [CONFIGOPTS_GPTMACRO="[options]"] gcc32dbgpthr  

Options are:
#/opt/hpss is the default HPSS dir, use this to specify a different path.

#enable hpss authentication types. the libs 
#and/or must exist in [hpssdir]/lib/

#this option disables setting of rpath, and is probably required on non-Linux
platforms.  If this option is set, [hpssdir] needs to be added to the 
environment library path (LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc, depending on platform)
before the server is run. 

Note: the flavor here (gcc32dbgpthr) must match the flavor of the server. 
It is usually gcc32dbgpthr on Linux and vendorcc32dbgpthr on other platforms.
The command 'gpt-query globus_gridftp_server' can be run to verify which 
flavor is installed.

In order to use the module, the server must be started with the -dsi 
commandline option:

globus-gridftp-server -dsi hpss_local -p 5000 -debug

will start a server listening on port 5000 using the hpss_local module.

hpss_control and hpss_data also require other options to specify 

globus-gridftp-server -dsi hpss_control -debug \
    -p 5000 -r localhost:5001,localhost:5002

globus-gridftp-server -dsi hpss_data -p 5001 -dn -debug
globus-gridftp-server -dsi hpss_data -p 5002 -dn -debug

will start a frontend listening on port 5000 that will connect to 2 backends 
on ports 5001 and 5002, using the striped hpss modules.

Here are xinetd confs and daemon mode commands for running as a user. The 
user (globus in this case, but it can be any non-root user) needs read
permission on the keytab, as well as ownership of /home/globus/.globus/*.

This is assuming both processes on the same machine.  
Change '-r localhost' to the appropriate hostname.

service gridftp_frontend (/etc/services as 2811)
instances    = 250
socket_type  = stream
wait         = no
user         = globus
env          += GLOBUS_LOCATION=[GL]
env          += GRIDMAP=/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
env          += X509_USER_CERT=/home/globus/.globus/hostcert.pem
env          += X509_USER_KEY=/home/globus/.globus/hostkey.pem
server       = [GL]/sbin/globus-gridftp-server
server_args  = -i -r localhost:2812 \
        -auth-level 4 -dsi hpss_control
log_on_success += DURATION
log_on_failure += ATTEMPT, HOST
nice           = 10
disable        = no

service gridftp_backend1 (/etc/services as 2812)
instances    = 250
socket_type  = stream
wait         = no
user         = globus
env          += GLOBUS_LOCATION=[GL]
env          += GRIDMAP=/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
env          += X509_USER_CERT=/home/globus/.globus/hostcert.pem
env          += X509_USER_KEY=/home/globus/.globus/hostkey.pem
server       = [GL]/sbin/globus-gridftp-server
server_args  = -i -dn -auth-level 4 -dsi hpss_data
log_on_success += DURATION
log_on_failure += ATTEMPT, HOST
nice           = 10
disable        = no

or as a daemon:

export GRIDMAP=/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
export X509_USER_CERT=/home/globus/.globus/hostcert.pem
export X509_USER_KEY=/home/globus/.globus/hostkey.pem
$GLOBUS_LOCATION/sbin/globus-gridftp-server -S -p 2811 \
    -r localhost:2812 -auth-level 4 -dsi hpss_control
$GLOBUS_LOCATION/sbin/globus-gridftp-server -S -p 2812 \
    -dn -auth-level 4 -dsi hpss_data


A configuration file is requried to specify security parameters.  By default,
this file is expected to be at /var/hpss/etc/gridftp-hpss.conf.  If you need to
point to a file in a different location, specify the path with the -dsi option
to globus-gridftp-server: -dsi hpss_control:/path/to/config.file

The format of this file, and required parameters:
login_name "hpss_login@host.domain"
realm_name ""
keytab "/var/hpss/etc/hpss.keytab"
The following are optional:
unixauth [0|1] #to enable HPSS UNIX authentication (kerberos is the default)
noauth [0|1]   #disable additional authentication calls -- the process will run
               #with whatever permissions running user has.

Known Issues:
- There are known bugs in the HPSS PIO interfaces we use in versions of 
  HPSS earlier than
- Writing to a multiple backend coniguration is the most likely scenario 
  to encounter bugs.
- Memory may become corrupted if a transfer is aborted, this shouldn't pose
  a problem except in -debug mode when the process does not fork for each new


For a general understanding of the interface that these modules implement, see*checkout*/gridftp/server/src/dsi_bones/README.txt 
and*checkout*/gridftp/server/src/globus_gridftp_server.h (or $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/globus_gridftp_server.h).

Additionally, there are notes and comments in each module's source.