Hill-Climbing Optimizers
This page is part of the Mathematical
Programming Society photo album, and contains pictures of some real-life hill-climbing practical
optimizers. Click on the pictures to enlarge and use the back-button in your
browser to return to this page.
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With Andreas Grothey and Ken McKinnon in the French Pyrenees, near Ax-les-Thermes
(May 2000). The first 3 pictures are taken on the way to Etang d'en Beys (1954
m), the next 3 are from a circular hike around the Pic de Nerassol (2633 m).
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Climbing two Scottish Munros
with Roger Fletcher, Nick Gould and Ken McKinnon in June 2000. This hike
combined An Caisteal (the castle, 995m) and Beinn a'Chroin (hill of harm or
danger, 940m).
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Climbing Ben More (big hill, 1174m) and Stob Binnein (either peak or anvil,
1165m) (two more Munros)
with Roger Fletcher (aka Mark Knopfler) and Nick Gould in June 2000.
Maintained by Sven Leyffer
Email: leyffer@mcs.anl.gov
Last modified: 7 September, 2000